The UK Games Expo is starting to become a memory, and as such, I’m going to do a quick roundup of everything else that I specifically played while I was there. These games are not going to get separate reviews as part of this year’s summer marathon.
There are a few other games that I haven’t covered, such as Battle Royale. However, that is going to be one of the first games covered this summer, so I want to do a proper review of it rather than mention it briefly here.

Game #7 of our “UKGE ROUNDUP 2024” is “Quick Hangman,” which we played at the “Clarendon Games” stand.
“Quick Hangman” is a fairly simple party game based around the concept of the childhood favourite game, Hangman. In this game, all players react to the same letters being crossed off on the board and draw Hangman as they go, while also trying to guess the simple three-letter words of the other players.
It’s a fun little game, but if I’m being brutally honest, it’s not radically different from just playing Hangman. I couldn’t see this really being a long-term game that we regularly get out to play.

Game #8 of our “UKGE ROUNDUP 2024” is “Flip, Switch & Roll,” which we played at the “Clarendon Games” stand.
“Flip, Switch & Roll” is a quick, fun dice and card game where you draw a card and then try to roll numbers that can be added or subtracted together to get that total. One of the key things you can do is use special powers on cards to manipulate the dice, such as adding ones to the value, changing dice to match other dice, or flipping the dice over to reveal the number underneath.
The artwork was fairly uninspiring and definitely could have been improved, but we quite enjoyed this game. I will probably pick it up at retail if it’s on sale for a good price. This is a game I could definitely see being popular with grandparents, as the concepts are quite easy to understand and it would also work well on a supermarket shelf.

Game #9 of our “UKGE ROUNDUP 2024” is “Little Alchemists,” which we saw at the “CGE” stand.
Sadly, I didn’t get a chance to play “Little Alchemists”, but the lovely staff at CGE did go through the basics of the game with me. It works as a legacy game, similar to something like “Zombie Teenz”. The main concept of the game is a deck builder where you gather ingredients and then use an app to combine ingredients and get other spells from those ingredients.
What’s really interesting is that because of the use of the app, the spells that the ingredients make change each game. So, the game is just as much about discovering what you can make as it is about utilizing what you make. It’s super intriguing, and I’m really disappointed we didn’t get a chance to try it out over the weekend. However, this will definitely be a game that we review once it’s either at retail or potentially earlier if I can wangle a copy.
I hope that someone has found something useful in all of these roundups. Looking forward to a few games that are coming out over the next few months.
Keep an eye out for my Summer marathon starting in the next week or so.