Colorful box of the children's game "Socken zocken" by HABA, featuring a cheerful green creature holding a sock, with a warning label about choking hazards.

Socken Zocken

Note: This is a short really early legacy review before I started posting longer form review in our Facebook Group.

We received Socken Zocken as a Xmas present from a friend who thought I would “enjoy” its gameplay. I have been putting off playing it basically since lockdown started but now the time has/had come.

Socken Zocken is part of the Haba “Active Kids” range that aims to meld board games and exercise.

The premise is this. You all take a stack of coloured “socks” place the laundry baskets around the room (or in our case the downstairs of our house) and you then have to run to a basket look at the colour of the sock in the basket to denote your next coloured basket and then drop a sock in to change the sock colour for the next player. If you get a grey sock you go back to the last one and if you find the peg you have to take it with you to your next basket.

Sadly there are no photos of us playing it simply because I was running about the house.

It’s silly fun and had Toby(3) and I running around our far too “untidy for this sort of thing” house.

Would I recommend it though? Probably not and here is why.

While it was fun it was over really really quickly to the point where even a middle-aged man who really likes chocolate eclairs and biscuits didn’t even raise a heartbeat while playing. We tried playing with 2 sets each but even that was over in a little under a minute and would have been even quicker if we played in one room.

If you have a large house or large garden (and I mean grand designs large) then this might be a goer.

Also, I kind of felt it would actually be more fun with just pairs of actual socks and some little baskets and the whole game itself was kinda not needed.

You will know if this will appeal to your little ones but had I not received this as a present from a board game friend who will notice if this mysteriously disappears off the shelf it would prob be moving on from my collection.

Matthew Bailey