My 3yo twins’ most played and favorite “board game” by far is My First Adventure: Finding the Dragon. It’s a choose your own adventure beginner RPG storybook for kids where you get three choices at each page. The pages are cut into thirds so you turn the mini page that corresponds to your choice to read on what happens. There’s a simple item and damage system, and my kids have read it over and over again!
I wanted more books in the series, but unfortunately they’re not available in the US. I decided to finally order them from the UK via Zatu Games (they have shipping to the US) as a birthday present for them! So today we got two new ones in the series and my kids wanted to read them right away for their bedtime stories! I guess it’s an early birthday present – my husband didn’t know that I was gonna save it, so he told them what was in the package and they were super excited to read them tonight

It’s nice having new stories to go through since we’ve gone over the same story so many times with the first one! You can see how it’s falling apart in the picture… The mechanics in these two are the same as the first, but with different stories and art.
I highly recommend this series for toddlers/preschoolers since it’s basically reading a book, but with an interactive element.
Here’s my video overview of Finding the Dragon: