Note: This is a short really early legacy review before I started posting longer form review in our Facebook Group.
My first day back at work today and alas the “Bailey family sorta Summer Board Game Bonanza” has to come to an end.
While we did not play a game today here is the second quick review of a game we played over the Summer but for whatever reason, I did include them in my posts (but still count as we played them)
Game 45 (and the last game) of the “Bailey family sorta Summer Board Game Bonanza” is “Moon-Bots” played by myself, Toby(4) and Jack(7).
Moon-bots is a “build a robot and fight them against each other game”.
You start the game with a basic robot with one attack and one dice.
You start with the drafting phase in which you salvage parts from the shop to improve your robot, these components costing you either 2 energy, 1 energy or being free using the usual “converter belt mechanic we have seen recently quite a bit. This is important and energy is also your robot’s HP. Which adds a good risk reward to buying better equipment.
You then fight against another robot but roll dice the numbers of which determine what you can do.
You fight other robots last one alive wins.
It looks good, components are great but there is a bit of an issue. The game is really well balanced to the point it is actually too balanced. What I mean by this is that we all upgraded our robots and ended up healing and blocking on about 3 – 6 health and it took forever for one of us to get a really unlucky roll and die.
Its a fun little game with a fairly big flaw that means it just takes a bit too long, but you can often pick it up super cheap from places like “The Works” and “TK Maxx” so it might be worth a look.