Colorful board game box for "Lost Seas" featuring an octopus, mythical sea creatures, and a nautical design. The game is suitable for 2-4 players, ages 7 and up, with a playtime of approximately 20 minutes. Published by Blue Orange Games, designed by Johan Benvenuto and Alexandre Droit, with artwork by Marine Joumard.

Lost Seas – UKGE 23

Game 3 of the “Games that Jack(8.) and I played at the UKGE” is “Lost Seas”

“Lost Seas” is a grid based tile arrangement game from Blue Orange that turned into one of my surprises of the show.

You start the game by laying out rule tiles to form the titles on the X and Y axis (think Excel) on a blank 4X4 grid.

These can be things such as:

Exactly 11 objects

Points per sets of 3 different objects

No Octopi present

More rocks than whirlpools

You then take turns drawing Carcassonne sized tiles from a pile and trying to then place them in your grid so that you fulfill as many of the conditions in both axies as possible.

After all of the tiles have been laid you add up your score based on what you acheived. Its a simple concept but it works really well and I really enjoyed this as did Jack and this instantly went onto the “to buy” pile.

We played it about 3 times in the “family zone” and probably would have played again had there not been so much else to do.

Great simple game that while simple to play requires a lot of thought. 🙂

Matthew Bailey