Box of The Gruffalo Dominoes game by Ravensburger, featuring colorful illustrations of animals from the story. Suitable for ages 3 and up, it encourages learning and play.

Gruffalo Dominos

Game 51 of the “Bailey Family Summer 2023 Board Game Bonanza” was a very humble game of “Gruffalo Dominos,” played by Henry(2), and myself.

We all know how to play dominoes (or at least we think we do)…

Random domino (assuming we use a standard numbered set) interlude trivia round…

The answers at the bottom of the review 🙂

1. How many dominos in a standard set?

2. How many dominos do you start with in a 2 player game?

3. Who starts?

4. How do you score at the end of a round?

Anyway back to looking at these dominos. As they are all Gruffalo characters you can’t play normal rules but it’s cute and sweet and it was good for colour recognition.

They are okay cardstock and the box is insanely big for what they are which is a bit of a turnoff. I have had better sets but Henry loves Gruffalo at the moment so he enjoyed them.

When writing this review I realised they do actually make wooden Gruffalo dominoes that look much nicer.

As with most of these things, your best bet is probably a toy shop.

Matthew Bailey