Having had a fantastic day at the UKGE yesterday I return having played a tonne of games to write about.
So Game 1 of the “Games that Jack(8.) and I played at the UKGE” is “Dungeon Scrawlers: Heroes of Waterdeep”
“Dungeon Scrawlers: Heroes of Waterdeep” is the sequel to the original “Dungeon Scrawlers: Heroes of Undermountain” that I reviewed back in December of last year (link at the bottom of the post for ease of access).
Essentially though “Dungeon Scrawlers: Heroes of Waterdeep” is a real-time maze game. you draw a line through the maze as quickly as possible having to complete small mini-tasks room to room as you go. for example, monsters need to be defeated by completely colouring them in, some shapes need to be traced perfectly and groups of numbers where you need to play dot to dot as fast as possible.

This all has to be done perfectly and touching walls costs you.
Now this new version is basically the same but comes with a cool “mini-dungeon” deck mechanic where you enter parts of the dungeon that are hidden and you turn over a random card and have to complete that before then in most cases deciding where you come out the other side.
It adds a cool random element to an already great game and it expands the decision-making and forward planning needed to really get the best time.
We played this twice and I would say from what I played this is a better version of the original but I wouldn’t say you need both. They are very very similar and this just seems like a better version of the original.
So if you are interested definitely get this one first but if you have the original I wouldn’t say this is an absolute must (unless this is like your absolute fave game ever and you just want more dungeons).