Today, we have a special “Brucie bonus” review outside of our Halloween series—purely because we played this today, and I don’t want to wait until November to tell everyone about it! The original...
A tiny little aside before I get into the spooky games (sorry for the delay – I’ve been a bit under the weather and I’m a day behind schedule). I wanted to mention a neat little print-and-play Roll & Write that I’ve...
The last review I’m doing before we get underway with this year’s Halloween Spooktacular is for “Scratch and Scramble”, a trick-taking game where you play your tokens to win tricks, while doing your...
Over a year ago, during the 2023 summer marathon, I reviewed a game called “ゆらゆらペンギン (Yura Yura Penguin)”, a really fun Japanese card-shredding dexterity game that I regularly recommend but it was a real...
Game 57 of the “Now and Then Summer Marathon” is “THouse of Cats” played with Jack(9) & Toby(6). “House of Cats” is a cool and robust roll-and-write game that offers four distinct...
Game 42 of the “Now & Then Summer Marathon 2024” – “Sosig played with Toby(6). “Sosig” is an unbelievably small tile-laying game that quite literally fits in the palm of your hand...
Game 22# of the “Now & Then Summer Marathon 2024” is “5Up” played with Jack(9) and Toby(6) “5 Up” is a straightforward push-your-luck game that caught my attention due to its compact neoprene...
Game #19 of the “Now & Then Summer Marathon 2024” is “Good Face Bad Face,” played with Jack (9) and Toby (6). This is going to be a bit of an unusual review in the sense that I really like...
Game #18 and the third “Then” game of the “Now & Then Summer Marathon 2024” is “Zombie Dice,” played with Jack(9), Toby(6)b and Henry (3). No photos of the kids I’m afraid...
Since getting into the board game hobby about 14 years ago, I have played a lot of games. Since having children, I have played even more. However, I have never actually played the game “Old Maid,” a classic...