Today, we have a special “Brucie bonus” review outside of our Halloween series—purely because we played this today, and I don’t want to wait until November to tell everyone about it! The original...
“Ghost Castle” is the latest release of a classic game, originally published in 1970 under the name “Which Witch?”. The game revolves around players trying to escape a haunted castle while a ball...
The first game of our Halloween Spooktacular 2024 is “Alien: Fate of the Nostromo.” Now, I’ve had this game sitting on my shelf for quite a few years. It arrived around the same time I first got into...
A tiny little aside before I get into the spooky games (sorry for the delay – I’ve been a bit under the weather and I’m a day behind schedule). I wanted to mention a neat little print-and-play Roll & Write that I’ve...
The last review I’m doing before we get underway with this year’s Halloween Spooktacular is for “Scratch and Scramble”, a trick-taking game where you play your tokens to win tricks, while doing your...
I’m always on the lookout for brand-new dexterity games that offer something unique and interesting. Recently, I’ve really enjoyed playing games such as “High-Rise Penguins”, “Beasts of...
Over a year ago, during the 2023 summer marathon, I reviewed a game called “ゆらゆらペンギン (Yura Yura Penguin)”, a really fun Japanese card-shredding dexterity game that I regularly recommend but it was a real...
I’m not usually a fan of party games, but recently I got the chance to try out “Oh My Pigeons!”, a new party game by Ravensburger. I have to admit, I really enjoyed it, and the boys absolutely loved it...
“Steery” is a game with a long history with Little Board Gamers. We contributed significantly to the feedback that shaped it into the more family-friendly game it is today, as opposed to the slightly more...
“Robot Quest Arena” was one of Jack’s favourite games we played at the UK Games Expo, and we’ve had it out several times over the summer. Back when I tried it at the Expo, I somehow decided it was...