Note: This is a short really early legacy review before I started posting longer form review in our Facebook Group.
Game 5 of “Games that we have played kinda recently that I should have shared on here but didn’t get round to it because none of my kids ever sleep” is a wallet card game from Button Shy Games “Sprawlopolis”
My usual disclaimer: My boys (Jack(6) and Toby(3)) have both been brought up playing games and as such can play games usually beyond their years.
The game is reasonably simple and most kids should be able to play even if the strategy is not quite doable.
Everyone starts drawing cards and selecting the scoring conditions. Each card have the map side and the score side. Once you select your scoring conditions you then take note of the number on those cards (this is the score you need to beat to win).

In the game you can see here we needed to get as many blocks of 4 colours as possible and as many blues as possible in a single column or row.
Each turn you lay a card next to or overlapping the previous card in the quadrants trying to join up sections of matching colours and making as few roads as possible (eg one long road rather than lots of little ones).
After all of the cards have been laid you get 1 point for each square in the largest area of each colour and lose a point for each road. You then add up the points from your scoring conditions and see if the total score you have beats the total number on the cards. If it does you win if it doesn’t you lose.
It’s a simple game that the boys enjoyed but I think I enjoyed it slightly more than they did. Jack wanted to play more but I think it didn’t quite capture Toby’s imagination.
Component quality is simply cards in a rail style travel wallet but ut does the job.
Button Shy does a lot of these games and they are always good value and obviously very portable.