Colorful board game box titled "Rainbow Friends" by HABA, featuring a playful koala and a duck, with a vibrant rainbow and mountains in the background. The box emphasizes collecting crystals to win and includes a warning about small parts. Suitable for ages 4 and up.

Rainbow Friends – UKGE 23

Game 5 of the “Games that Jack(8.) and I played at the UKGE” is “Rainbow Friends”

Rainbow Friends is an unusual gem-collecting game from Haba that was definitely on the list of games I wanted to try at the UKGE this year.

The game is pretty simple. The idea is that you start the game by making the board and then laying a gem in each of the spaces. You then on your turn roll the dice and add gems to the spaces of those colours and then pick a short medium or long rainbow to move to a space of your choice. The idea being you select the space first and then have to pick the right rainbow.

While this sounds like a fairly cool concept and other games do this the issue is that because the holes are in a very geometric pattern they pretty much all work and it’s just a case of whether it is small medium or long.

Neither of us messed up a turn and always went to the space with the most possible diamonds. In the end, I won purely by luck based on the rolls and where the diamond ended up.

The first to 15 diamonds win. The game took about 5 minutes.

It’s a fun concept but very simplistic and there isn’t really any skill. Maybe one for very young kids but I know even Toby wouldn’t have been keen.

Also fairly pricey at £35ish online

The components are the usual Haba High Quality though but do be warned it’s a big box. As usual no insert but there we go.

I think maybe my older 2 are getting a bit old for Haba stuff now but there are still some good ones out there that we enjoy playing. Am looking to try and start Henry(1 and 5/6ths) in playing games towards the end of the year.

Matthew Bailey