Note: This is a short really early legacy review before I started posting longer form review in our Facebook Group.
With the knowledge dexterity games never go well I tentatively decided to give Ice Cool 2 a go having picked it up from a charity shop for £4. Ice Cool won the kinderspiel des jahres back in 2017 (kids game of the year) and it was one of the few I did not own. Ice Cool 2 is essentially the same game with a mirrored set of component so you can join them together to make bigger maps. You get few more cards with 2 so if you go for either and they are the same price get 2.
You connect all the boxes and then have to take turns being catcher or runner. Essentially the game then becomes a game of tag flicking your penguins around the map trying to pickup fish if a runner or catch the runners if a catcher.
As always the boys were excited to play but it quickly descended into arguments, frustration and squabbling.
The physical act of accurately flicking your penguins is difficult even for an adult.
Components are well made and as it can normally be picked up pretty cheap so you def get good value for money.
It’s not one for my boys but if your kids like dexterity games I could see this being a hit.