Note: This is a short really early legacy review before I started posting longer form review in our Facebook Group.
Gravity Superstar is a space themed movement game that I purchased a few years back when the kids were too small and kinda forgot about it. So finally Toby(3) and I decided to give it a go.
You lay the board out a set number of tiles depending on player count (although you could happily do more to lengthen the game) and place stars on each of the star squares.
You enter the game via a door and now the game basically works like a platform video game and one of those programming robots where you go forward one turn 90 degrees.
You use cards to navigate the platforms and can turn yourself 90 degrees at which point gravity moves with you and you fall onto the next platform.
You have to pickup more stars than the other player most stars wins.
Components are fine if a little plasticy. I will say they look a lot like sweets and could see a very young child mistaking the stars for sweets.
I really enjoyed this and thought it was an excellent kids game. Toby(3) found it way trickier than I thought he would so your results with younger kids may vary.
While not pictured here I did play with Jack(6) later in the day and he loved the game and found it the perfect level of difficulty. Games equally are fast and it has that “one more go” feeling
I got this on sale for £10 a few years ago but I know it often goes on sale.
Big thumbs up.