Colorful board game box for "Gobblers Family Mix" featuring playful characters in a grassy landscape, designed for 2-5 players aged 5 and up, by Blue Orange Games and Jürgen Heel.

Gobblers Family Mix

Note: This is a short really early legacy review before I started posting longer form review in our Facebook Group.

Game 41 of the “Bailey family sorta Summer Board Game Bonanza” is “Gobbler Family Mix” played by myself Jack(7) and Toby(4).

Now the Gobbler sub-brand forms a group of games the Naught and Crosses one I reviewed a few months ago and is excellent.

“Gobbler Family Mix” is essentially very similar to Ghost blitz (a popular game in this group). You start by taking turns hiding the 3 ghosts inside each other Russian Dolls style.

You then draw a card. which has different results

2 of the same colour…. find the third colour

2 different sizes…. find the 3rd size

First person to do this gets the card most cards wins.

Its fine… ghost blitz works well because hou grab the object and while you may think the having to find the object makes it more interesting it actually just becomes a massive cluster**** on the table.

Not terrible but there are better alternatives.

Matthew Bailey