We were busy today so had to squeeze in a quickie and that was game 37 of the “Bailey family sorta Summer Board Game Bonanza” is “Cobra Paw” played by myself Jack(7) and Toby(4).
I generally do not play reaction games with the boys as I always win and Toby always comes last but both boys have improved recently so I thought let’s give it another go.
You place all the pieces in the middle. players take turns rolling the dice (which feature six unique symbols) and then race to grab the tile with the matching pattern before anyone else. Whoever grabs six tiles first wins!
You can also steal pieces from the other players.
What is really cool is the pieces have a small dimple in the middle which you must place a finger on. This helps eliminate the “I grabbed it first moments”.
This game has grown on me since I bought it last Summer and I think its to do with age. While my boys can play games with rules above their years they are clearly at their age still when it comes to reaction time and dexterity and I sometimes need to remember that.
Component Quality is lovely. The game comes in an irritating hexagonal box which makes it a pain to store but the pieces are chunky bakelite style plastic (think Hive pieces) and are pleasant to hold.
Good simple game but needs to be older or similar-age kids for an even playing field.