Note: This is a short really early legacy review before I started posting longer form review in our Facebook Group.
Game 11 of the “Bailey School Holiday Boardgame Marathon (Christmas Edition)” played by Jack(6), Toby(3) and I is actually a game that my wife Katie gave me for xmas and that is Carcassonne. This is the 20th Anniversary edition which I asked for because my 10th Anniversary copy is showing its age.
In Carcassonne, you draw a tile and then play it by putting it on the board in a place that matches sides with another tile. You can then lay a meeple on an unclaimed road, city or Monastery. You then gain points for completing them. There is also a rule where you can lay farmers in fields and then at the end gain points for every completed city in that field but we do not normally play that rule with Toby.

Carcassonne is one of my favourite games and a firm family favourite. This is a really nice version but not one I would recommend for a family game necessarily. The normal version is available at about half the price.
If you have never played the game before I would also recommend the “Over Hills and Dale” version which works really well with young children and in my opinion is better for kids than “My First Carcassonne”.
We all had a great game highlighted by a massive risk from me that saw me making the largest city I have ever made and it all went down to the very last tile to decide if I completed it or not. The look on Jack’s face when I turned over a completing tile and completed my 48 point city was a thing of beauty
So should you buy a copy of Carcassonne? yes
Should you spend over the odds and get the anniversary edition? Not unless you like that kinda thing