Game 3 of 4 of the “Bailey Boys penultimate day of the Easter holidays let’s cram it all into 1-day mini marathon” was “Block Party” an “imagine Pictionary but with little wooden blocks” party game. Played by myself, Jack(7) and Toby(4).
The premise of the game is simple… it’s Pictionary but rather than draw the word you have to use different colour blocks to make it.
There are two types of games in the box. One where everyone plays against everyone and you have to try and guess what people have made to earn points for them and you and one where you must complete challenges cooperatively such as only having 15 seconds to make it and only being able to use a limited number of blocks.

Toby(4) is only just getting started with reading so Jack(7) and he went in a team so Jack could read the clues to Toby and we played the cooperative game.
It’s simple but it’s good fun and something a little bit different. I wish it was more of a “board game” and less of a “party game” but that’s just me.
One particularly interesting moment was when the boys were doing the word “pen” and Jack made a representation of a “thing you write with” but Toby instead made a “thing you keep animals in”
Realistically you are probably going to know already if this is your and your family’s kinda thing. This isn’t gonna win the “Spiel des Jahres” but for what it is though it’s a fun game that I would recommend.