A tiny little aside before I get into the spooky games (sorry for the delay – I’ve been a bit under the weather and I’m a day behind schedule). I wanted to mention a neat little print-and-play Roll & Write that I’ve had a chance to try recently and if I don’t squeeze it in now it will be too late.
I don’t normally do print n plays but its from the designer who made the excellent Flick Fleet so I thought why not.
“Away Team Bingo” is all about sending your crew out on daring missions, trying to make discoveries while, ideally, not getting them killed!
The game plays over three missions, where you pick a crew, roll dice to explore a grid, and see what fate has in store. Some locations give you big rewards, others might cost you a crew member (poor Marines always seem to be the first to go). It’s all about pushing your luck—do you stay out longer to gather more discoveries, or play it safe and return to the ship?
I liked how it kept things tense without being too complex. It’s quick to set up and play, which is always a bonus for a print-and-play, and there’s enough theme and variety to keep things interesting across your three missions.
If you enjoy a bit of dice-rolling with some tough choices along the way, it’s definitely worth checking out. The crowdfunding campaign is ending in the next 24 hours, so if it sounds like your kind of thing, now’s the time to have a look!
Plus it’s less than a coffee (1/2 if you get a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks) price-wise (£3).
Disclaimer: Away Team Bingo was sent to me free of charge to try out for the purpose of review. My thoughts are however my own.